National Grating has many FRP specialty products in additional to our fiberglass grating and structural shapes. Here are just a few:



We have many more FRP specialty products available. Please call us at 1-877-984-7788 or email if you would like more information or pricing on any of these items, or have an inquiry about an item not listed here.

Bulk and Wholesale Discounts Available on Large Orders


we ship FRP specialty products to every region of the USA!

FRP specialty products meet required frp specs Fast Delivery via our Superior Logistics Network

National Grating provides fiberglass grating pedestals, fiberglass tube, fiberglass angle and FRP specialty products to ALL USA States including California, Oregon, Alaska, Florida, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Georgia, Michigan, Virginia, Massachusetts, Arizona, Washington, North Carolina, Nevada, Texas, New Mexico, Indiana, Tennessee, Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, Wisconsin and Utah. Our pricing and service experts are standing by to help to find the best product for your project. With many varieties in stock and expedited shipping, we can supply your project with FRP specialty products at the best price.

FRP specialty products offer superior radio frequency transparency to steel. Use FRP specialty products from National Grating to protect your wifi network and cellular telephone signals.

These FRP specialty products meet required frp specs Pultruded Fiberglass Grating Radio Frequency Transparency

In today’s connected world, we depend on cellular telephone signals, Wi-Fi networks and over the air radio and television signals. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity are essential to on-site work environments. Steel structures significantly disrupt these signals. Fiberglass structures and FRP specialty products are an essential part of FRP building structures that are “electronically transparent” and do not interfere with radio frequency transmissions.